Now I am a little confused as to how I have actually got myself into this but in the whirl wind return to work after a great Christmas and New Year, a colleague at Fitness First decided to send a link around and say that he was taking part in the Bournemouth Bay 10K Run for the British Heart Foundation.
Before I knew it a couple of other colleagues had signed up to it and I compulsively found myself stating something like "...yeah sounds good to me, where to I sign...". So I am firmly signed up to this huge challenge (I am a software developer not a road runner by any means) and so the training has started and the plea for aid and donations has begun.
I've not really done anything like this before but if anybody is interested in helping me raise money for the British Heart Foundation or simply wants to be bet that I cannot do it (should encourage me some more), then please feel free to pop along to My Fundraising Page or use the widget in the side bar and donate as much as you can afford.
Many thanks